My son rubbed off so much hair

Maria • Mommy to 2 girls💕& a baby boy 💙

At the TOP of his 😫😂😭

My husband and I couldn't figure out what this light brown fuzzy stuff was against one side of my son's bassinet..because we don't put anything in there with him. Turns out, he was rubbing the top of his head against this side and took off so much of his fine little hairs. He already looked like he was bald on the top of his head because the hair was very fine and lighter up he looks like a little old man 😫 it looks like he has a VERY intense receding hairline.. has this happened to anyone else's baby? Lol (I'm talking the top of the head..not the back, which I know always rubs off at some point) I don't know whether to laugh or cry, honestly lol..