Dymond Gets strapped...


Dymond left the sex shop flustered and very horny. She sat in her car and watched as all these women flooded into the shop and she lost sight of Jamison. She started the engine and headed home, having to pull over and pull her panties off. Every bump of the road caused the anal plug to move inside her. It was sending strong waves of pleasure throughout her body making her dripping wet. When she finally made it home she decided to try taking a shower to relieve some of her discomfort. She checked her phone and seen a text from a number she didn't recognize she unlocked her phone to read the message: "Come to my house at 9 tonight if you wanna finish what we started..." Dymond bit her lip yeah she really wanted more of Jamison she bit her lip and text back "I need your address" Jamison sent her address and started getting ready she turned on some music made a drink and put on her strap under her boxers she was excited she couldn't wait to fuck the shit out of Dymond and watch her come undone and watch her cum Dymond shut off her engine and looked at the house she pulled her phone out and sent Jamison a text "I'm here I think" Jamison peeped out of the window and saw the car "I can see you from the window baby come up the sidewalk and up the stairs" Dymond checked her makeup and hair in her visor mirror took a deep breathe and got out of the car locked it and headed up the stairs she tapped on the door lightly Jamison pulled open the door and grabbed Dymond by the top of her shirt yanking her in the door "Get in here" She pulled Dymond in for a kiss and kicked her door shut pushing Dymond into her room and onto her bed "Is that plug still inside of you" Jamison asked stripping Dymond out of her clothes "Yes it's been driving me crazy all day" Dymond moaned "I'm gonna drive you really crazy" Jamison said slipping a hand between Dymond's legs "Open your legs" Dymond looked unsure for a split second "I want to touch you before I fuck you" Dymond opened her legs and Jamison started running her fingers through her hot wet slit "Fuck baby you are so wet" Dymond can do nothing but nod and suck in lungfuls of air because she feels like she is going to die Jamison steadily rubs circles on Dymond's clit wanting her to be wet so she wouldn't hurt her she gently pressed a finger in and pulled out she pressed in and out a few more times before adding another finger "That's two fingers fuck you're squeezing so hard" Dymond felt herself clenching around Jamison's fingers she felt like she was about to burst it felt so fucking good on the next inward thrust Jamison added another finger inside Dymond "That's three" she felt Dymond suck them in a little deeper and started pumping faster and harder "Ohhh fuckkkk" Dymond moaned "Mhm yes baby make noise that is so sexy" she was practically railing her "Please" Dymond begged she had no idea what she was begging for but she knew she needed something Jamison pressed a kiss to her lips "Not yet" she said rolling onto her back and pulling Dymond on top of her "I want to watch as you take every inch" she lined herself up with Dymond's dripping hole and pulled Dymond down by her hips thrusting upwards they made a rythym pulling and thrusting up until Dymond was completely impaled Jamison waited a beat letting Dymond adjust to being filled up before guiding her hips up and down "oh shit" Dymond moaned rocking on it Jamison watched her as she let herself be guided up and down by her strong hands "Yeah rock on it take it don't take off" thrusting up into Dymond again a little harder this time she reached up and grabbed Dymond by her throat squeezing and pulling her down onto her chest "I want you to cum for me cum all over me" she said releasing Dymond's throat and going for her clit Dymond felt herself tense up from her lower belly all the way to her toes as her orgasm travelled through her entire body