Struggling after missed miscarriage

Kristen 👼🏻🌈👨‍👩‍👧

Hey all.

I had a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks. I had a D&C 5 weeks ago. I am still getting by blood drawn because I am still testing positive for HCG. Levels were at at a 10 yesterday. Blood draw again Monday. Hopefully it will be undetectable. I also started my period. Has anyone else had a horrible first period post D&C?

I felt like I was doing ok emotionally but lately I’m really struggling. My husband and I did everything “right” we have been together for 10+ years. Waited till we were financially stable for a baby and now not only did we suffer a loss but also found out that I am a carrier for a super scary genetic disorder. Hubby got tested yesterday.

Trying to stay positive but it is so hard 😩

Thanks for reading my ramblings