Please help... long post warning

I will be 36 weeks tomorrow with twins and my husband feels like a stranger or more like a roommate. I feel so alone and when I try to talk to him about it he just gets upset with me. A small story of what happened last night/this morning. Yesterday I was in so much pain all day long and wanted to go to the hospital just to see if everything was okay. He refused to take me unless I called them first to see if they think I should come in or not. We are military and he’s been on leave and will be until the end of September so it’s not like he has to get up for work or anything in the mornings. It’s really hard for me to call and talk with people over the phone (I have awful social anxiety please don’t judge...). I finally worked up the courage to call and asked to be transferred to labor and delivery. The woman on the phone transferred me to a nurse who answers general questions and she told me to call me ob’s office and that they have someone on call to answer questions. So I call the ob and the recorded message says if you’re under 20 weeks go to the er and if you’re over 20 weeks go to labor and delivery. So there we go I thought he would take me to the hospital but no. I have an appointment Thursday and have been trying to make it to that since they are scheduling me an induction date then. He insisted that I wait until my appointment after some back and forth I just threw my hands up and said forget it. After this he sat in the living room playing GTA for hours while I sat in the bed sobbing beside of how much pain I was in and I know he could hear me. Not once did he come to check on me or offer some encouraging words or hell even try to comfort me at all. I texted him from the bedroom and asked if he would let the dog out and he didn’t but he didn’t say anything to me when he came to get him. After about 20 minutes I go in there to see the dog sitting at the door waiting to come back in so I let him in and he says to me that he was going to do that. The dogs doesn’t stay outside longer than 10 minutes at a time because it’s so hot where we live and he wasn’t paying attention whatsoever. At this point I’ve had it. Keep in mind that he’s been telling me I’m almost done with being pregnant since around 20 something weeks and that’s all I ever hear when I tell him I’m in pain. Well I went at him and let him know that him sitting in there playing his little game while I was in excruciating pain for hours without checking on me wasn’t acceptable. So he started again saying I’m almost done and this and that being very VERY inconsiderate. I eventually told him to shit the f up. Which was uncalled for on my part and I apologized. He finally got in bed around 11 or so and the pain of trying to lay down and get comfortable was unbearable so here I am just weeping again while he was turned over on his phone for an hour. He didn’t tell me goodnight or that he loved me. He got up to use the restroom and when he got back he very quickly kissed my forehead and said “night” to which I replied “night”. This morning I wake up to him not sleeping in our bed but the guest room and my heart just broke. After he woke up I sent him a very long message (it’s easier to send a message because I stumble over my words when trying to tell him how I feel in person) explaining how I felt unwanted, like he didn’t care, and how my body has changed so much that I didn’t feel attractive at all anymore oh and that how he doesn’t want me around him makes me hurt even more. To while he replied that he needed space because my emotions were too up and down and that I was just fishing for compliments by telling him I didn’t feel beautiful anymore. He hasn’t spoken to me but once today and that was when he left to go to the gym he kissed me and said that he was going grocery shopping after he got back from the gym. I just feel so unwanted and unloved at this point. Am I overreacting? Has anyone else going through this and it turn out okay? Any tips to help our marriage? I love him so much and just want everything to be okay. Please no negativity I’ve had enough of thank. Thank you all for reading this far if you have ❤️