Umm, confused.. need advice!


So in July I had miscarried according to my ER Department. And I'm now going on about a month post miscarriage. But I seem to be having all the pregnancy symptoms still. The nausea, tired, sore boobies. So here is my dilemma. I never passed any tissue (5weeks) other than a few small clots, and yes I did bleed, but not horribly. I cramped for a few hours and was done. Now, I do know that not everything could have been released from my body, and I have been taking prego tests up until I got my negative (waiting for the symptoms to go away). This is not my 1st. However, with my first, my body had no idea I was prego. And I found out I was pregnant with my lo 2 weeks after. So I'm kinda wondering if my body may be doing the same thing as my first, and if I sniffed it out a week or so after.. any opinions?