I need to rant🙃


I don’t know if I’m being unappreciative or anything but me and my bf of 3 years don’t go on dates anymore , or simply just go out to eat or the beach or just places. Whenever I see him we just hang out at his house which is cool and all because I like just chilling with him and when I see him on his work breaks we just eat lunch together but that’s it , like I don’t wanna do the same thing all the time. We used to go out a lot and go to the movies and the beach but now we don’t. Idk if he’s just trynna get his money up or if he just doesn’t care for anything like that anymore. Today I asked him can you bring me something from the store and he says “wtf😂” like really? Yet he can spend $40 on weed. Pfft🙃 I’m not ungrateful or anything but seriously isn’t it about the little things ? I see girls who’s bfs bring them food to the house or just do sweet stuff like that but I guess I’m just asking for too much🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess going out or the little things is just a hard task. Idk if it’s just because we’ve been dating for a while or I’m being treated like a side chick or am I just looking too much into it?