My half sister part 22 (Chris)



I don't know how far I walked before my resolve gave out and I just sat down on the grass verge and fought the urge to cry. I know I had a long way left to walk the house was about 5 miles from the city and the office was probably another 2 miles. Why I was heading to the office I don't know probably it was just the fact that I had nowhere else to go. But it was still a long fucking way and every inch of my hurt how much was physical and how much was mental I had no clue but it was to much. everything hurt. I wasn't going to fight back against my dad I don't know I guess because he was right I don't know it felt like my penance or something but right now I was thinking I should have fought back a little as he was a lot bloody stronger than I was expecting. The night was starting to threaten so I knew I had to move but my body just didn't want to comply. I picked a fruit pastel out of the pack and popped it in my mouth. All I owned in the world was now contained in my pockets, it was what I had managed to grab from the glove box of my car ( perks of bring an irresponsible car owner who doesn't lock the car door) it consisted of my office I'd badge, my wallet and a half packet of fruit pastels. Not too much to start a life with. I had a few more things at work but not really anything of merit I just needed somewhere to think and drink to numb myself a little and hopefully sleep. I rubbed my eyes a few times to stop the tears and got to my feet and trudged on. My brain still reeling from where I was it was all too fast this morning I'd been happy to the point of skipping so excited and in love waiting for Sarah and now here I was barred from my girl, no home, no job, no family, nothing.

I couldn't have walked more than 5 minutes when an approaching car flashed their lights at me and pulled over. I frowned and looked the window.


"wow you look like fucking shit."

"I love you too."

"what the fuck happened to you." I shook my head.

"get in" I shrugged and climbed into the passenger seat.

"what are you doing here?"

"exactly what I'm wondering." he said as he spun the car around heading to the city.

" did Sarah call you?"

"no. Your dad's.. Wife, Lauren."

"Lauren called you?"


"what did she say?"

"not much just that you got hurt anc needed a lift to the hospital."

"how nice of her."


"isn't it fucking obvious."

"I mean who what why.and why am I taking you to hospital when you live with your family"

" because they have disowned me."

"what your fucking kidding?"

"nope everything I have is in my pockets my girl, my home, job, family everything gone in 1 day. Fancy a fruit pastel?" I said digging another from the bag.


"don't please" I said "I can't break not now and I am hanging by a fucking thread believe me."

"so come on what did you do?", I shook my head,

"look I'm your friend OK I just want to help." I pointed at my face,

"my dad."

"I guessed that.but why the fuck would your dad kick the shit out of you? " I sighed but I needed help I needed someone who understood I needed to say it but fuck was it hard to say.

"I... Well... Fuck for the last eight months... I... Er... I have been sleeping with Sarah." Dylan frowned for a few seconds before comprehension slowly dawned on his face.

"Sarah... Your... She... Isn't Sarah your."

"my sister yeah."

"oh OK wow I did think there was a bit of sexual tension there." I laughed,

"it gets worse our father walked in on the two of fucking in the kitchen."

"OK So are you fucking insane or something? Or just the ultimate challenge?"

"don't talk about her like that it wasn't like that with her it wasn't a one time thing. We were together nearly a year. Typical huh I'd never been in love until her. The one I fall in love with has to be my fucking sister."

"so hospital?"

"nah I'm fine."

"your not you look like shit."

"look just take me to the office."


"i have no where else to go and I have a 25 year old bottle of scotch there. Look I pretty much have nothing and I'm tired and I just need somewhere safe to sit and think for a bit."

"look forget the office and stay with me for a bit."

"nah can't get you in trouble and believe me giving me sanctuary would cost you your job. Don't worry I have to learn to look after myself besides I've been earning a pretty good salary and living at home so I'll be OK till I can find a job. Besides if you keep your job maybe you help me contact Sarah. "

" damn you've got it bad she must be a amazing fuck. "

" none of your business and yes she fucking is. "Dylan buzzed us into the garage and we walked into the office both our security codes worked fine but the guard did give me a curious look. I walked straight to my office and flopped down on the sofa. It was only about 8 o'clock but I felt totally drainned I just wanted to sleep. Dylan grabbed a scotch that he shoved in my hand and told me to sit up. He retrieved a first aid kit.

"I need to clean you up."

"Look its fine"

"shut up." he said retrieving the antiseptic and gauze. They will heal themselves with time. He applied a few dressings but most were on my face so couldn't really do much about those. But the scotch was helping that.

"so my life plan... Take a nap get up gather my stuff out before everyone gets here for the day find somewhere to live get a job. Get my girl back."

"solid but maybe you should reconsider the last point."

"maybe you should go fuck yourself." Dylan shrugged.

"here," he passed me his card "make sure you keep in touch ill help if I can mate."

"thanks and thank you for not judging."

"believe me I'm judging you plenty but it won't help for you to hear that from another person plus even I can see you fucking love her." I nodded and stood up extending my hand to shake his hand, Dylan shook his head and gave me a hug a bloke back slapping hug but the fact that it was still a hug meant a lot.

" take care mate get some rest. "Dylan said leaving quietly,

I sighed and lay down on the sofa and finally let the tears flow.

Thank you for reading. Hope your still enjoying and thank you so much for your comments I really appreciate them all ❤️❤️❤️