Help 😩

Currently on my two week wait. I’m only 5 DPO and wouldn’t think I’d be showing symptoms this early.. I’ve been insanely nauseous. Last night I tried to eat McDonald’s (my comfort food) and I felt sick eating it. I almost threw up. Then the sauce tasted strange to me and my husband said it tasted normal. If I get hungry and don’t eat within a certain time period I get insanely nauseous. I’ve been drinking water like crazy, it’s like the second I stop drinking it I feel dehydrated. Kind of constipated as well. I’ve been peeing more often (but that could be because I’m drinking even more water) I just started getting some heartburn today. I’ve also been having some stomach cramps if I lay on a certain side. My eye twitches randomly sometimes, I read someone mentioned it could be a sign 😂 I’ve also had some pregnancy dreams.. are these symptoms of AF coming or do I have a shot. 😩