I’ve gotta rant 😫

Currently in a position where I have a possibility of being pregnant before any of this happened and I had a scare before my BF kept making comments of “you’d be cute pregnant and you have a glow”. So I thought he might’ve changed his mind about us having a kid and stuff. Well in this moment we just aren’t sure until I go to this appointment to see what’s going on. We’ve been together for over 4 years now and today he says he just doesn’t want a kid right now 😫 YALL my baby fever is bad and I’m ready to have a baby but I understand but if I am I don’t think I could go through with adoption or abortion. I have irregular cycles and since we aren’t trying but aren’t preventing I don’t check when I ovulate besides whatever this app says and I know it’s not actually correct really. 🤦🏼‍♀️