Newborn visiting rules

Is anyone else getting some serious crap from some people for posting their newborn rules?

I posted mine two weeks ago and they are similar to most you see around. The only person that has an issue with them in the slightest is my own mother. After initially sending a snarky text about how the rules sucked, she has been ignoring me. I messaged her reiterating that the rules were in place to protect our newborn baby. No response.

Now, two weeks later, my brother has sent me a long af message about how I’ve been failing to communicate with her about it and how she’s hurt by them and that she’ll just stay away for 8 weeks instead. Her main issues are smoking and wanting to touch/kiss the baby’s face, which will still be a no go after the 8 weeks anyway. She has the cold sore gene so I am particularly wary of her spreading it. I don’t even know what to reply with! I feel like she is being immature and if she isn’t willing to respect the rules, she won’t be welcome.

Update: she randomly sent me this message this afternoon... it’s literally been two and a half weeks since I posted the rules with no communication between. I’m so over it!