Should I reschedule my US??

Alissa • Dear son born 5/7/18. Three angel babies. Dear son born 8/27/20 and pregnant with our first girl and last baby Pittsburgh PA-C

I had a miscarriage at 7w in March. I am currently 6w. My hcg level was 4,708 two days ago.

My doctors office told me to schedule an US. I specifically asked when to do it and she said within a week. I call today to tell her where to fax the script and she says its too soon. What theee hell. She said I may be disappointed if theres no HB and that I might want to reschedule. She claims she told me to wait two weeks, which she DID NOT.

The day of my US ill be 6w3d and if continuing to increase as it has, my hcg should be well over 6000 likely closer to 10,000.

Should I keep my US or wait until Sept 6th when Ill be 8 weeks, as this is the next available US appt?

Thank you!!