First kiss and mixed feelings

So yesterday I met up with a kid that I’ve been talking to for not that long. I was skeptical about meeting because we hadn’t talked for that long, but he radiates good intentions and my friends who know him said he’s a good kid. I was also skeptical because he said that he had already had sex with a girl (who is now his ex for a good reason). He also is a boarding student so I was nervous I was going to just be another “hookup and leave”. So we met and he walked with me into this sitting area next to a river with a pond next to it. We sat down, and he was like “I don’t want to hurt you, I know you’re a virgin so we can go slow and just say anything if you don’t feel comfortable. I’m not here to make you feel bad about yourself. So he was about 6 inches taller than me, and he pulled me in by my waist and looked at me and smiled and then bam, we started making out. I had never kissed anyone before, so I was nervous and didn’t really know what to do. After that he started rubbing me through my shorts, and then bam, he was eating me out and fingering me and oh my god, it was so good. He said I was moaning so loud and that I was super wet. Then he asked me if I would give head, and I told him I had no idea what I was doing, but he said it was ok and that he’ll help me. So I did and he said it was better than his ex. I’m just reflecting and asking myself “am I a whore or a slut for letting this kid finger me and be my first kiss if I’ve only talked to him for about a week?” When I talk to him, he makes me feel really special, and he seems like a good kid. Am I a dumb bitch for letting him be my first hookup??