I need someone’s help.


I’m 19 years old. I have a fiancé. We live together with my parents. I’m 5 weeks pregnant. I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. I told my fiancé and he said he doesn’t know how to feel. Before I continue he has another child with someone else. He hasn’t seen her for about a year because the child’s mother doesn’t let him see her. He has no custody and we’re trying to fight for it. Anyways... I work at forever 21. I make decent money. He works at Costco and makes decent money. But it’s not enough to get an apartment. When I told him about it he also said he’s not physically, emotionally, or mentally ready. Now he hasn’t said that I should get an abortion but he tries to kinda tell me I should. Hopefully that made sense. I’ve never had kids. When we first got engage he always said he wanted me to have his kids. And stuff like that. We weren’t trying but at the same time we kinda were. While we were “trying” I never ended up pregnant. We both thought maybe it was one of us that couldn’t have kids. But basically I just don’t know what to do. I’m lost. Confused. Broken. Sad. Please someone try to help me.