Why can’t I have a baby??

Madeline • Mommy to 👼 angel baby Jackson (06/14/2017) and a rainbow baby 🌈 Alexander (09/29/2020)

Sometimes I get so angry and upset... I for sure thought this was gonna be my month after 2 years!! But no start my period full force first thing this morning. And just now somebody on my Facebook announced they are having a little girl due in December!! And that’s great, but why the hell cant I have a baby. I want a baby so badly and I know I could provide for a child yet I clearly can't have one. But you have all these other people not even trying pop up pregnant. Like what have I done wrong with my life that I can't have a baby. Or at least a living baby I miscarried at 15 weeks June 2017. Why can't I have the one thing I want the most?? I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever have kids. Im beginning to lose faith. Will it ever happen??