Father in law commented on my weight 😭


So I just need to vent this. So my father in law works away and I only see him once a year. Last year I was expecting our third and was 8 months pregnant. This year I’m 10 months postpartum. Now out of all my pregnancies I’ve lost the baby weight. I’ve always been small but I try to eat right and workout, plus I’m chasing after 3 young children. Anyways this year when my husband our family visited my father in law my mother in law was commenting on my new hair and how she really liked it and out of nowhere my father in law says if you want to be attractive you need to gain some weight. I was so taken aback and hurt by that comment because we weren’t even talking about weight. Then today we seen him again and he commented on how I’m skin and bones. I told my husband how hurt my feelings were by these comments and asked him why he didn’t stand up for me and he told me that that’s just his dad and to let it go. I’m 115 pounds at 5’3 and have been since he’s known me. My BMI is normal and I’m happy with myself so I don’t know why I’m taking it so to heart. Apart of me is upset too that hubby didn’t say something in my defence and I honestly didn’t have words because I was trying to hold back tears. I know I’m overthinking it I guess I just needed to vent.