Disrespectful in laws

My in laws have a lot to say about my body for some reason. The last time I asked them not to I was treated like I’m making a big deal out of nothing. But they continue to do it. Should my husband be standing up for me?

Some of the comments have included,

“You look like you need some butter, you’re so skinny”

“Omg you’re so skinny, that baby is sucking you dry”

And “idk how you carry her around, she must weigh more than you” (about my 20lb 10 month old).

When I was pregnant they wouldn’t stop talking about how huge I was and now I’m breastfeeding and have a hard time keeping weight on (I’m about 5lb less than pre pregnancy). I just feel like it’s so disrespectful and rude that they keep making negative comments about my body and I feel like it’s wrong that my husband lets them get away with it.

Any advice on what I should do? One of them says something just about every time I see them, which is usually around once a week.