Frustrated—not endometriosis (relieved!) but no answers


Hey, ladies! So here to vent a little bit and reach out to see if anyone else might share some of my symptoms.

I had an exploratory laparoscopy in mid August to look for endometriosis. I’m so, so lucky that my surgeon didn’t find any—did remove a polyp, decided to leave a fibroid that is fairly small on my right ovary. Confirmed today by biopsy results that I don’t have occult microscopic endo or cancer. Just “chronic inflammation” around both ovarian focca.

I’ve always had painful, heavy periods. I’m 33 now and about 10 years ago I started having incredibly painful episodes, usually 2-4 a year for 3-9 hours of my cycle. My pain level would be through the roof (7-9). Hot flashes, diarrhea, pale skin, crippling lower back pain, cramping. Rarely confusion, urgency to urinate. No over the counter pain meds could touch it. Sometimes a scalding bath gives me some relief. Sometimes it would just fade away. Other times it’d peak with an episode of vomiting/diarrhea.

About two years ago, I started having more persistent nausea during the whole period as well as right lower back pain.

Last episodes were in March 2019 and December 2018. Leaves me absolutely drained after for a day or two.

I’m not sure where to go from here. My doc placed a Mirena to hopefully treat some of the symptoms. I’ll be doing PT for my pelvic floor. Doc said maybe a GI specialist next.

Thanks for reading and hoping I can find someone to give me guidance or tell me their story.