Having a hard time


This last week has been hard. I had a missed mc in January at 11 weeks (fallowed by another mc). I would have had the baby around now. I had several people I know just have babies and here I am being reminded mine got taken away. I haven’t said anything to my fiancé about being sad, because honestly this month has been the first month since the mc that he has been more himself and we have actually had sex more than twice a month. (Maybe we will get our rainbow the month our lost one should’ve been born). But it’s hard. I thought I was, not over it, but better enough to not cry and get depressed. The more friends I see have their babies right now and the closer I get to the due date it gets harder. I just needed to vent a bit. I don’t want to make my fiancé sad too when he seems to be doing ok right now.