Braxton Hicks for Hours


Went to labor ward yesterday because I leaked 3 streams of fluid down my leg while I was getting ready and was concerned I was leaking amniotic fluid (35 weeks). I was having consistent Braxton hicks, but was negative for fluid leaks (thank god). Nurse told me I was 1cm dilated up at the front but funneled closed at the end still, which is good. She said the contractions were Braxton hicks, which I knew because they weren't painful.

My question is, is it normal to have them consistently like this for hours on end? I went in yesterday at 2pm and now its 245am and I'm still having them even as I woke up to pee. They aren't worsening in intensity or frequency, so I know it isn't true labor, but please tell me I wont be doing this for weeks on end. Drinking water and changing positions doesn't seem to make a difference.