i don’t know how to help my SIL

I apologize in advance if this is confusing but i need advice! all the names are made up people because i don’t want to expose anyone.

So a few months back my SIL (lets call her Sara) broke but with her crappy boyfriend. he was very mentally absuive to her and he didn’t ever want to grow up and be an adult. he treated her very badly and he never wanted to do anything with her or spend time with her or her family. Sara broke it off and found out a bunch of stuff like he cheated on her and he had a tinder while they were together and he started talking to one of her “best friends.” so she dropped her. but she has another friend who isn’t really a good friend. this might be confusing, but we’ll call her Jane. Jane is Sara’s ex boyfriends nieces mom. so ex bf has a niece and her mom is Jane and Jane and Sara are friends. Jane likes to take Sara to her ex bfs parents house (her kids grandparents) and constantly talks about him all the time.

well shortly after the break up, a guy messaged her on facebook (we’ll call him Blake) he was hitting her up. she didn’t want to be with him because of her recent break up but she set him up with her (shitty) friend, Jane. Well one night Jane and Blake came over to Sara’s house. so now Sara wants to be with Blake because she realized he was “good looking” and a good guy. Blake didn’t want to be with Jane because Jane is very obnoxious. (the first night they met and hung out they went to Blake’s parents house and she took her kid inside and handed her to Blake’s parents (they had never met this child before in their lives???) and she likes to talk about her baby daddy drama A LOT.)

So blake stops talking to Jane and then starts talking to Sara. Sara tried to hide it from Jane but eventually it was found out and the. Jane was hurt and they weren’t friends for a while.

Sara and Blake were doing good but they had issues. I think Sara jumped into a relationship too fast after her break up. They started talking about having kids and living together within the next year. they had only been together 2 weeks and Blake was practically living at Sara’s house with her. They were going very fast and not wasting any time. Blake fell for her and he fell hard. Sara started to get mad saying Blake was way too pushy about things like having a kid and moving in together. Sara wanted all of these things but she texted me one night saying she missed her ex and she thinks about him a lot.

Now let’s fast forward to about two weeks ago. Sara and Jane are now friends again and are hanging out a lot. Sara is secretly sneaking behind Blake’s back and seeing her ex boyfriend. (i didn’t find this out until about a week ago). she would say she was one place but would really be at her ex’s house. And her friend Jane was taking her there ALL THE TIME. so eventually she breaks it off with Blake. Blake is very upset (understandably) and it’s upsetting because the family kind of got attached to him even though they were only together for a couple of months.

Everyone is now finding out that she IS getting back with her shitty ex boyfriend. nobody can stop her. she thinks he’s changed just because he’s got a job. She’s lied to everyone about where she’s been and she’s always been at his house hanging out with him. I really don’t want her to get hurt again but i’m also fed up to the point where i just want to watch the events play out because i KNOW i’m right. i know he won’t change and he’s still going to be mentally abusive to her. i don’t want him to hurt her but i don’t know where else to go with this. everyone is upset and afraid for her because we know she’s going to get hurt but i don’t even want to hear it at this point. does that make me a bad person? i love her and she’s a really good friend aside from the fact she’s my SIL but i don’t know how to talk to her without her getting upset at me.