Colic or diet?


This is kind of all over the place so follow along the best you can. Thanks in advance!

My daughter is almost 7 weeks old and the last couple days she has had episodes of screaming so hard she breaks out in a full body sweat and curls up. The episodes last a minute or so but the repeat and that goes on for a couple hours. Husband's been bottle feeding 5oz of breast milk during the day and I breastfeed through the night. I started her on the breast for 17 mins then she wanted more so I gave her 2 more oz from a bottle and then about an hour and a half of painful crying and having tried gas drops I gave her 2oz of formula. The formula got her to calm down and get some quality sleep. Totally confused by this. We rarely give her formula.

Three things I think it could be:

1. Colic (but just now starting at 7 weeks?)

2. She's not getting full off my milk (bottle/breast) and formula filled her up

3. It's something I'm eating

I haven't been able to pinpoint if it's dairy or spicy food I'm eating that makes her uncomfortable but those are what I'm suspicious of. I had a couple burritos for lunch (chicken rice and cheese) and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Had at least 2 glasses of milk and some juice and fruit also. Before this over the weekend we were so busy I skipped a few meals so I haven't eaten as good recently. Maybe my milk isn't as nutritious because I'm not eating well?