Am I Over-Reacting?


My in-laws have been ignoring me for about a week after I texted them asking a question about the baby shower that we’re hoping to have the last weekend of October. My husband and I are hoping to do it at this time because we don’t want it too close to the holidays and we also want it to be Halloween themed since it will be co-ed and don’t want it to be too traditional/girly. My parents are very excited and willing to help, but his parents did not seem interested or willing. After a few days of my husband trying to figure out what is up, his mother told him that she isn’t keen on our plan for a few reasons.

1) she doesn’t like the Halloween theme

2) she thinks late October is way too soon and should be planned for late November because “something still might happen to the baby”

I am due on January 16, this is my first pregnancy, and I am 22 years old with no health issues and a seemingly healthy anatomy scan. I am very upset right now because I think it’s so rude that they’ve ignored my texts all week because of this, and especially because I think it’s terrible to put out into the world that something might happen to my baby. I understand things can happen at any point in pregnancy but I am so upset that this thought even came to mind and that it is preventing them from talking about the baby shower.

I can’t tell if I’m being overly emotional or if my feelings are normal. Also just really needed to get this off my chest 😔