After shots...

mommamia • • B O Y - M O M M Y•

Okay, so my son got his shots 3 hours ago and here’s what has happened

This is for the moms who haven’t had the shots done yet and just wanna know somewhat to expect.

My son loved the oral vaccination. The nurse kept laughing at him because he was drinking it so fast!

The shots hurt him really bad. But the screaming lasted about 2 minutes at most. He did bleed LIKE ALOT. I didn’t expect that but he bled through his bandaids in less than 30 seconds and it got all over my arm.

On the ride home he was a little fussy wanting him passy he kept dropping but nothing too bad.

We got home and he ate, that’s when he got really fussy. So I broke out the Tylenol and he went to sleep.

His doctor told us a fever up to 104 is normal. If it goes to 105 to bring him to the hospital. At this rate I think he will be fine though.

My little premmie baby is finally at 10lbs exactly and 21 inches long. The hole in his heart sounds really good and she said he is perfectly healthy!!

(Every mom loves to hear that!)

*this is just my experience, every baby is different*

I will update if anything changes! ❤️