Belly measuring 2 weeks ahead?


So far, everything had been going well and normal with my pregnancy up until my 28 week appointment earlier this week. I was told my belly is measuring 2 weeks ahead! At 24 weeks they said it measured right at 24/25 weeks and during my 20 week anatomy scan, baby girl was only measuring a day ahead. So somehow I jumped two weeks in a month?! I took my gestational diabetes test around 25 weeks and that came back normal too.

Doc said he won’t worry unless I measure 3 weeks ahead at my next appt, but of course, I’m worrying about it! Have any of you had anything similar happen and how did it turn out?

My husband has warned me him and his siblings were all big babies (4 of them were all between 9-11 lbs) could this be the culprit and I’m going to have a large baby?