Should I let my 8 month old sleep with a pillow?


My 8 month old is extremely attached to me. I’ve spoiled him by letting him sleep on my chest or next to me in my bed since he was weeks old. I know I created a monster lol now I’m dealing with the hard transition of sleep training and one of the ONLY ways to get him to stay asleep in his own bed is to give him one of the pillows I regularly sleep with I guess because it smells like me. Don’t get me wrong I’ve tried leaving one of my shirts in his bed and let him sleep on that but it doesn’t work. Even when he’s taking his naps on my bed sometimes and I won’t let him fall asleep on my chest, he’ll just cuddle one of my pillows 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don’t let him do it too often for obvious fears of suffocating but if it helps him sleep, peacefully (and I’m up half the night watching him making sure he’s ok) what’s the harm? Idk what are some other ways to help him go to sleep and stay asleep? Because he does sleep in his bed without the pillow but he’s tossing and turning most of the time.

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