Miscarriage incomplete?


So my last ultrasound on Tuesday showed my 6 week 1 day baby with no indication of growth or heartbeat. I was 7 weeks and 4 days at the time. The last two days, only at night, I’ve had really strong cramping which led to just light brown spotting. Well last night I got home and realized I was actually bleeding and went to the bathroom. When I sat down I felt come out what looked like a clot but it almost looked like it had an umbilical core attached. After that I’ve felt better, no cramping and only light bleeding. Was that it or is there more to come? I imagined this horrible bloody mess with labor pains etc I have never gone through this before. I was scheduled for a D&C Tuesday but they wanted me to wait for one more ultrasound just in case baby was earlier and heart started. (I deep down knew it wasnt earlier I tracked ovulation with strips)