Desperate for Help

I’m in an extremely difficult place right now. I’ve been suffering with depression since I was really young and this year has been one of the hardest.

I got married last October so it should be the happiest right? Wrong. My husband won’t show affection in any way and it kills me. My love language is physical touch, that’s the way I feel most loved and he WILL NOT do it. I beg and beg and beg him to please please show me more affection and he always says he will but it’s just empty words and it never happens. Because of this it feels like the spark is gone. When I look at him I feel nothing, when we talk I feel nothing, laying in bed at night...we might as well be in 2 separate bedrooms because it sure as hell doesn’t feel like how a couple should be. And what makes it hurt even more is he hasn’t always been like this. Once upon a time he was loving and affectionate and made me feel like the only girl in the universe, but now...there’s no other way to put it besides it’s gone. We haven’t even hit our year anniversary as a married couple and it’s gone.

Please help me. I need advice. I don’t want to get a divorce but I’m so miserable and low. I’ve been treading water so long and I’m so tired and so done. 😢 Please help me.