still nervous on nexplanon??


okay so... i’ve been on the nexplanon implant for about 5 years now (obviously getting it switched out for a new one after i hit my 3rd year mark) i was put on it originally to help with super bad, irregular bleeding with my periods, but only just recently have i started to become sexually active.

last night we were having sex and.. he came in me, most of it came out, AND i’m on the implant which has a SUPER high percentage rate of it working to prevent pregnancy (99%) but.... i cant help but still feel a bit anxious??

i think now im just psyching myself out and making myself worry for no reason... i read some stuff online saying that if i took a plan b pill it would just cause extra horomones to release into me that i don’t need, since i’m on nexplanon, i shouldn’t need the plan b... but i’m still making myself worry... gahh

i guess i’m posting this to try n get some reassurance ? plus talking about this anonymously with people will help me out too... thanks for reading through my rambling and worries 🥺