Mental/physical/verbal ABUSE


A man who I worshipped !!! Literally he done NO wrong in my eyes at all, tonight after I refused sex he wrestled me a little keep in mind my asthma has been acting up all day after the scuffle I couldn’t breathe stated hyperventilating. He begin to once again force himself on me this time choking me, I was able to free myself once again I go for my phone to call my mom to come and get me. He takes my phone and choking me up again I kicked him in a lower part of his body not sure where. But the entire fight he’s saying the craziest stuff my mind was all over the place just trying to stay alive really. I waited 90 minutes and went for my phone locked myself in the bathroom & called the police their was no way he was allowing me to leave on my two legs. I’m pregnant it’s 3am I have never been through anything like this my heart is racing, my anxiety is at a all time high.

Like where do I go from here 😰 he ended up calling me after the police escorted me out saying how he’d never do it again, and he was so sorry. I loved him, I still do but I can’t even look at him the same anymore 😔