Wasted time


I have been fwb with the guy for about a year. The first time we hooked up he had gotten a gnarly looking motel room. It served its purpose though.

Each time after that, he cane to my place when I had the house to myself. The sex wasn’t great but it was something to do and we actually kinda had a cool friendship. So, no biggie. April of this year, I moved to another state. I came back this Friday for business and was kinda eager to see him considering I have had any since March. He said he was eager too and I told him that it’s been so long that I’m damn near ready to make love 🤫. He said he needed that. 😉

So I finally get some time to myself and ask him to pick me up. This was about 11:15 last night. I get his car and we start driving around for about an hour. I’m talking the whole time because I don’t get to have much adult conversation these days. So he finally finds a park with a dark parking lot and says, “This is perfect.”

He parks and I’m just in awe. This is really how little he cares. So we let our seats back and I’m just staring at his black mass in the darkness like 😐. So he asks for head. Before I even really get into it he’s done. 😐 okay, no biggie. Get the first one out and then get to work. Not to mention, he had pulled my thong to the side and he barely tried to finger me. (I was wearing a dress)

So we both lay back and I’m just waiting. Then I get tired of waiting. Then I turn to look out the window at the sky. “Are you getting tired?”

I tell myself be patient. By this time I’m already thinking this is some pure grade A bullshit and I’m ready to go. “Nope, just being patient.” Then silence again. I fix my panties and pull down my dress then I look at my phone: 12:53. Another few minutes go by. “I’m about to be ready again.” Cool 😕. About 2 more minutes go by and he asks, “Are you ready?”

“Sure.” He never moves. So I ask, “You want head, again?” “Yesssss.” I stare at the mass in the darkness like 😑. If I rolled my eyes any harder, they would have fallen out. I get started less than half heartedly this time because I know it won’t be long. And sure enough, a minute later, sploosh. That sounded gross in my head, too. Sorry, guys.

So I lay back again after cleaning up looking again out the window. He decides that this moment needed terrible music, {insert terrible rapper here}. I get even more annoyed. So I look at my phone. 1:12. Then I decide to just remain sitting up. Nothing is going to happen for me. I look at my phone again 1:15. Then I hear him start snoring. That’s it. “{insert random name here}, you can take me home.” “Oh, you want to go home?”

On the way home he tries to get me to talk to him, commenting on music and driving. 😒 I was so done. When we’re about a mile from my house I grabbed my purse. At the corner, I unbuckle my seatbelt. When the car stops, I jump out with a “drive safe.”

Inside, when I finally calm down, I text him, “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself but we should just be friends. Thanks. Good night.”

He responds with “You seem frustrated.”

A few more texts are exchanged where she says he doesn’t understand what went wrong and it may have been because he was tired. Needless to say, his number has been deleted along with the text thread. This has added to my already sad outlook on my social life, but, hey, what are you gonna do?

(This is my second time writing this 😒. My phone locked halfway through the first one and the app restarted.