Hi everyone.. I was hoping someone here could help me. I've posted about this before when it first started but at this point it's still going on and I'm feeling miserable.

I have been having a major issues with my skin. I mentioned this to my primary doctor and then also my gynecologist since Im currently about 29 weeks pregnant. She ruled out any pregnancy related rashes due to the location of the rash and other symptoms. Since July 3rd I have had a VERY itchy and prickly burning painful rash of some sort mostly on my lower and upper arms, my entire legs/thighs, and my my hands and feet (not the insides or the soles). The first reaction was the worst with red patches and bumps that looked like mosquito bites, but now looks wise it is not as bad when it flares up but it comes and goes. I also saw a dermatologist and she gave me some sort of cream that is safe for me to use as needed. It worked for a little bit then I will have days where it is gone with no symptoms and then suddenly it flares up in certain spots or all over. Heat seems to make it worse but it's not always heat that makes it flare up. Im not sure if this is a heat rash which she guessed it may be (although it pops up when Im not outside and it is nice and cool indoors).. I get my standard blood tests during my prenatal appointments but Im not sure what those screen for exactly. My

Dermatologist also ran a blood test for anything liver related and it's all normal. Nobody is telling me what this is. Could it just be hormones? I would like your opinion on if this please. This is my third pregnancy and never had this happen before. See photos below. Some photos are from when it first popped up until now when it flared up again this last time. Also the one on my arms was at first on top of my arms and now it's on the bottom/inner arms this time.

Something else I’ve noticed is that one day both my feet will flare up almost like a sunburn and then gets itchy... then both arms in the same spot and same location equally on both sides.

My thigh (second flare up)

My arm (first flare up)

My arm (first flare up)

My arm first day of first flare up

My inner arm (last night) but other areas are burning and itching like crazy too. First time inner arm flared up

My inner arm (this morning)

This afternoon a couple hours later on my inner forearms

*** Updated photos below.. current:

Forearms inner ..

These looks bigger now

Both sides now have the rash above my armpits/inner upper arm area if I raise my arms up you can see it:

I’ve also recently consulted my holistic doctor so waiting on his response since the other doctors have not given me any answers.

Maybe it’s hives just from pregnancy?


Biopsy showed high likelihood for this being Erythema Multiforme.

I still have this rash as it is very slowly fading but it had spread to my legs and got very big.

It was explained to me that it’s rare and more severe but similar to when your immune system

reacts to something and produces hives or even cold sores. Same idea. Cause is unknown. It could be caused by an allergy to medication/food/ or even seasonal, virus, infection, crazy hormones, stress, contact dermatitis, mechanical dermatitis, autoimmune issues etc. so anything lol


FINAL UPDATE- New Diagnosis:

After the rash kept flaring up and I had large blisters forming over my healing rash, I had two more biopsies but this time of the blisters themselves. My diagnosis changed. Also the photos I’ve shared above are different from what my rash eventually started to look like. Very large and target lesions. Burning and itching. I had to get two steroid shots that are approved for pregnant women and some pills (two rounds)

I’ll probably need another one right before delivery as this tends to flare up at delivery. I’m basically allergic to pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️😑 it's so rare my gynecologist and dermatologist offices didn't mention it and weren't too familiar with it.


“The findings are compatible with either bullous pemphigoid or pemphigoid gestationis. Clinical correlation is recommended. The histologic findings do not support the diagnosis of erythema multiforme.”

So it's pemphigoid gestationis 😕