Underweight TTC


Hi all! I am planning on starting TTC in October and have been starting to try and get healthy since about July, I have cut down my caffeine intake, cut down using my e-cig (I know this needs to go soon!) and have been eating healthily as well as taking Pregnacare conception tablets. My main problem though is that I can’t seem to gain weight and I’m worried it will have an effect on my fertility/baby.

I weigh about 49kg and am 5’5. I think my BMI is currently 17.9 (normal BMI is 18.5). I have never weighed over 50kg and I believe to get in the normal BMI range I need to reach 52. My weight fluctuates a lot on a daily basis I can go from 47.5 to 49.8 but I have never seen 50 on a scales! Ive seen doctors for different reasons who have all been concerned that I have an eating disorder due to my weight.(I don’t, I eat 2 meals a day but can’t eat in the morning it makes me sick)

I started a new job in a different field (went from cheffing to office work) in February and have definitely seen an improvement as I’ve gone from around 45kg to normally around 49kg but I can’t seem to put on those last few kg!

Can anyone tell me how this may affect my fertility/baby and any ideas of how to get weight on that will stick? Thanks in advance.