Missing baby while working 😟


My dream is to be a SAHM so I can spend every possible waking moment with my little munchkin. Unfortunately I don't see that happening because I'm the main earner in our household. My husband works, but 10 hours less a week and making a lower wage. I get really sad sometimes sitting at work, kind of resenting the fact that he gets to spend all day with Clem and when I get home at night it's usually about bedtime. He's an amazing father and wonderful husband so I'm glad he gets that time with her. I just wish I did, too.

Luckily I don't live far from work and since I'm breastfeeding I get slightly longer breaks, so he brings her by twice a day. Even though sometimes she sleeps through it, it's the best part of my 9 hours here... Plus I get pictures like this throughout the day so that helps. 😁