Spotting but no AF?!


I started spotting 3 days before AF, since 11dpo, usually it’s normal for me to spot 2 days before AF so thought it was going to be pretty normal to start, usually I have a 3 to 4 day AF.

BUT this month was very different!

On 13dpo in the afternoon the spotting turned bright red but didn’t even fill a panty liner.. was only noticeable when I wiped and went to the loo! It lasted only for 24 hours and then it went back to spotting for 1 day now completely finished.

Glow reckons I’m 17dpo today and since 13dpo I’ve had 3 very faint positives but the rest and even today have been negatives?? What’s going on??? HELP

Doctor says that period should show this week but if not take a test again on Friday... really would it show up that late??