When did you know it was time to break up?


At what point in your past relationship did you realize that he/she was not the one? Not for those of you that had an obvious ending (cheating, lying, abuse) but for those of you who had issues like emotionally incompatible, etc.

I’m having a really hard time in my current relationship deciding what is best for us. He’s extremely handsome, but we don’t click emotionally or how we spend our free time. He gets really flustered easily, and at times I feel like I’m his mother instead of his partner. He’s really into dungeons and dragons and games like magic, and that’s okay but he spends A LOT of time on that stuff. When we first started dating two years ago I was a gym rat, and he sold me on the idea that he was also a gym rat (bragged going more then me) and literally it’s like pulling teeth to get him to the gym. He just will not go, so I go alone because it’s important to me to have that destresser . Then he gets upset that I don’t ever want to stay at home with him! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Our sex life was good, but it slowly started getting worse. I found myself becoming less and less attracted to him because of the emotional stuff. His mom fights for us to stay together more than even he and I do, which also makes it tough. I just don’t know if we can both be good for each other. It’s not like he did anything wrong, if I could hand select a girlfriend or wife for him I would love it, but I just know it wouldn’t be someone like me... 😞

Anyways... I sent him to his parents house for the week (we live together). I told him I needed to take some space to figure out where I stand with our relationship, he won’t be blind sighted at all. I talk to him A LOT about how I feel haha. I think he’s expecting it, I’m just struggling internally making this decision for us, because he isn’t willing to do it with me or for himself....