Annoyed by husband.....

Hey pregnant ladies,

I feel really annoyed by my husband in so many ways. I’m quite unwell with nausea and fatigue. I know I’m not pleasant to be around. I fully admit that. I’m sick.

He’s acting like his days are hard to at work and school etc. We are fighting back and forth about who is having a hard day and. Blah blah blah.

Right now I asked him to pick up a few groceries as I’m cook for the entire family as a SAHM. I’ve been on the coach sick all day. I c ant imagine getting in car and driving. He start going off why I can’t do it...etc

I’m just so freaking annoyed with my husband. He couldn’t do one day in my pregnant nausea shoes!! I’m so pissed. Jus the sight of him makes me bloody annoyed

Anybody else annoyed by husband but usually you guys are great together?