Should I seek out a lactation consultant?

My little boy is 2 weeks old on Wednesday. He was severely tongue tied when he was born which we had clipped in the hospital at 24+ hrs old. Now the neonatologist said she only did his anterior frenulum and not the posterior. Now we have a strong genetic disposition to tongue tie (all our kids, my husband, his mother, her mother etc). Now I have been exclusively breast feeding this little guy from day one. I am still having a ton of pain when he latches to nurse that subsides after a little bit. Now I did have my nipples pierced that I have removed right before I delivered. I’m just wondering if I should seek a lactation consultant for his latch. I’ve tried every trick in the book to get him to latch deeper at first. He does not like the nipple shields I have so that idea is out for now. I’ve tried the tickling his lower lip then putting my nipple in towards the roof of his mouth etc. also he will unlatch and make weird noises then go to relatch again. I don’t know if it is that my let down is too strong for him or what his issue is with the initial feeding but he calms down and nurses without unlatching after a minute or two. My insurance covers 3 sessions with a lactation consultant. He. Is also cluster feeding at times and that just makes my nipples hurt more. Any suggestions are gratefully appreciated.