Trying not to go into full panic mode:

I’m really uncomfortable and almost 95% sure my body is starting to go into labor . This is my third baby so you’d think I’d be okay but I’m actually freaking out... I’m so scared to give birth.. and now I’m starting to feel myself panic. I’m seriously trying soo hard not to go into full panic attack mode rn. I know once it’s over I’ll be okay but I am so scared... my second baby came in literally 40 min. I went from a 2 to an 8 in 20 min, and baby was born like 15 min later and I had no time for pain meds. My dr has already said she thinks this baby will come just as quick . And I’m kind of freaking out because I’m so scared to feel that pain again🥺 please no negative comments. This pregnancy was NOT planned and it hasn’t even felt real until now... but now I’m panicking. I’m trying not to but I totally am... this baby was such a surprise that I’ve kinda been in denial that it’s happening the whole pregnancy, and now I’m realizing how real it is and how I’m about to go into labor. Don’t get me wrong I love my baby very much even though I’ve been in denial. I love my baby I’m just so scared to go through this again... again please no negative comments, but if you have any advice on how to stop myself from full on panic mode that would seriously be amazing ❤️