I went through his snap chat..

So my fiance and I have been together 6 years. Our relationship started really rocky but we were young and dumb and everything smoothed out eventually. We have a committed life together now, house, daughter, animals, the whole nine yards and I trust him alot. He works nights and I'm a SAHM. We rarely fight and basically what I'm getting at is our relationship is damn near close to perfect it seems.. we're both extremely happy and take care of each other, I thought.. until this morning when my 15 month old daughter brought me his phone while he was sleep. I took it off of her so she wouldn't break it and noticed an outrageous amount of notification. Im not one to Snoop, like ever, but all of these notifications were from girls on Snapchat.. I ignored it for almost an hour. But my mind started wondering and every connection I tried to make to justify why so many women would be messaging him wasn't making sense. So.. I did it:( I went through his phone.. and unfortunately it was exactly what I thought. He was showing an outpouring of care for every single one of these women, he used every term of endearment you could think of, he genuinely cared and listened to their problems, and in exchange for his generosity he was receiving pictures.. he even gave some girl free tires.. I couldn't help myself so I went into full FBI mode and searched every inch of his phone and found where he was accessing dating sites through Google so he didn't have to download apps.. I really don't know where to go from here.. maybe I'm over thinking bc he just has never showed me that kind of emotion. Like when I'm sad and need him to help me out of be my light his excuse is that "that's just the way he is" idk like I said I might just be over thinking bc it literally just happened but I'm not sure how to confront the situation