(advice needed) husband pressuring birth plan

i wasnt sure where to post this so if anyone knows please direct me 😅

so my husband is the type that thinks a natural birth (unmedicated) is the only “valid” way for a women to give birth 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

and that birth with epidural is like a ‘cop out’ and not rewarding for her. (hes very religious)

so my first birth was a unmedicated natural home birth. i was on board for it for baby #1 because i had no prior experiance with birth so i figured i wouldnt know any different anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️ lol

however, baby #2 is due here soon now and the whole pregnancy ive been second thinking going the same route... i would rather spare myself the agony 😅 lol even tho it was incredibly rewarding! i have never had epidural so i dont know how the difference will be, but i’d really like to know that way i can choose next time which of them i prefer.

the issue (aside from that im rly not a fan of

hospitals) is that my husband doesnt want me to, he wouldnt be supportive of me. after our first birth (the unmedicated homebirth) my husband was incredibly blown away by women and the labor process and practically treated me like a princess the days following labor, which felt REALLY GOOD (as hes normally not like that at all lol).

i feel if i were to go epidural route he wouldnt be proud of me after, wouldnt be as eager to

help me, wouldnt make me feel accomplished and powerful... i feel he’d bring it up to me and others as an example of how im a failure 😪 or how the birth “didnt count” 🤦🏾‍♀️ and generally make me feel like crap which is the last thing u need postpartum, right?!

anyways... thoughts/advice?

i feel people will say its my body and my labor etc so i should do what i want and screw him 😅

but its not the simple since i’ll have to also deal with the consequences of how he’ll treat me after ... so is it worth it? idk

im still on the fence for what birth plan to try for this time but i feel his opinions and judgements are ruling out other options im contemplating