AGH! 😠😤😩

I’m a freshman in high school, oldest kid. My parents are all about me keeping my grades at straight A’s, me working towards valedictorian, perfect GPA, being active in clubs, taking AP classes.

But the thing is, they don’t seem to realize that AP classes take time and effort. I have a ton of homework to do. But guess what? I have to be in bed by 9. And it is 7:48 now. Seriously?! I have work to do. Maybe 10 or 11 I understand, but 9?! They have always been like this. My bedtime is still 7:30 if possible. 🙄🙄🙄 I try talking to them about many things and they get upset. They refuse to explain anything then they get upset when I don’t like talking about stuff with them (I don’t like to because all they do is judge and make me feel invalid).

This isn’t the only issue that I’ve had with them, they are controlling in everything.

they put so much stress on grades and academics and as soon as I start to slip they make me cut activities. But I don’t get any type of reward for good grades. Only punishment for bad. They have never given me allowance, rarely give me money for chores.

They also are the biggest hypocrites, insist that they are right or guilt trip us when they don’t feel like arguing they’re right. They constantly use the excuse “because we are the parents”