Am I in the wrong

I am a high risk pregnancy, I had very bad pain, was shaking, and couldnt breathe last night.

I almost went to the hospital but decided to wait and see if it would go away. I wad on the floor for hours and bf was very nice about it.

The pain got a little better to where i could move the bed and sleep it off. So this morning i wake up and its not my better, walking hurts to bad and I called my doctor and she put me on bed rest.

I walked the dog around our backyard to get him to poop and ended up stuck on the couch for hours because it hurts to move.

My mom was going to pick me up today so we could go shopping for grocerys. (our cars on the fits right now and decided it didnt want to run) Well she told me we'd wait until i felt better to get some grocerys and to take it easy.

Well I told bf this and now he is absolutely pissed because i wont go and get grocerys. We still have food here and its not a necessity we go right now. But hes being so rude about it and throwing a fit about it, i told him I'll go if its that big of a deal. Somehow that made the situation worse and now hes being even more mean about it? Making nasty comments and calling me lazy and that im faking the pain. He was there when i made the call and I have an appointment tomorrow for it and check to make sure baby is okay.

What are your thoughts on this? This has happened multiple times over varying reasons, I was in the hospital to moniter baby and I's health and he wouldnt even visit because it was in the way of him having to put away the laundry i left folded on the couch because I had to go into the hospital. He was mad about that too and says im ruining his life and would rather die than be here dealing with this shit.