Another BFN 😟


3.5 years of trying and it just doesn’t get any easier! I used to have really irregular periods but the past 9 months have been pretty regular. I’m now 7 days late, sore boobs, heightened smell- so naturally I was so sure this was the time.

I took a clear blue a few days ago and the control window didn’t go blue, so I figured it didn’t work (although had slight hope that there was a very light downward line- but I tried my best to ignore it until I did a valid test)

Today I splashed out and bought a digital- this time my heart was racing as I planned in my head how my husband would react and how exactly I’d tell him. But after a ‘not pregnant’ result I just ended up in tears with him... again. 😭

I don’t really know why I’m posting here, I guess I know there’s many who have been through this too. Watching family and friends conceive after their first time and it’s getting so difficult answering all the “no kids yet?” Questions without actually letting people know how I feel inside 😭