Would you divorce?

My husband and I have an amazing marriage, but it wasn’t always this way. A year before we got married we had a very unstable relationship, we were arguing every other day and being equally awful to each other. We ended up going to couples therapy and have been amazing since.

However last night my husband told me we needed to talk. He was visibly upset. He admitted to me that 10 years ago, during that rough patch, he cheated on me. He says it was a one time thing and he didn’t even know the girl very well. He said afterwards he cut off all contact with her. He was sobbing as he told me and said he never told me because the thought of losing me was too much.

I honestly can’t even look at him. I feel betrayed. I know it was 10 years ago and our relationship is great now, but he didn’t even respect me enough to tell me. I love him with all my heart. Would you divorce?

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