
My boyfriend and I had a early miscarriage early last month. It was very traumatic for me. I passed everything naturally, and bled for a long time. I understand people grieve different, and I totally respect that. But not even a week after, he says he wants to try for a baby, even tho be knows I'm hurting mentally and physically. I told him not for awhile as I wasn't ready. After I told him that, he would not stop touching me sexually. Or making inappropriate sexual comments. Fast forward to now, his comments has increased. And his actions have as well, such as constant touching even when told to stop (even in public?!?!) My sex drive is super super low, it's only been a month with everything with the baby. I told him that I'm not just a sex object. I told him sex isnt everything, and that there comes a time where we don't need to have sex every day or every other day

And he gets mad. Like MAD MAD. Like won't talk to me, look at me, nothing. He stays on his phone.

Another thing, he has been on his phone a ton, snapchat, facebook, Instagram, messanger, since the whole baby thing came about. He seems super secretive about his phone, he takes his phone with him everywhere. If I walk by, the screen turns off, but once I'm to the other side of the room, hes back on it. I have nothing to hide on my phone, he has my passwords, but I caught him trying to sneak and snoop thru my phone without me knowing, I walked in on him doing so, and he tries to act stupid and say he wasn't doing anything. I don't go thru his, so I dont know what his deal is. He even started going thru my phone in front of my dad. My dad was not impressed.

He is treating me like his maid who has to give him sex whenever he wants and to clean up after him. I am a SAHM because my son (from previous relationship) is autistic and is in constant therapies. I have to drive 2 hours out of town weekly for my son to go to his therapies and doctor appointments, so I'm not home a lot. When I get back from appointments, he comes home from work and leaves his trash, laundry, dishes out etc wherever he wants, and expects me to take care of it, as well as take care of my son and clean the rest of the house. He doesn't help clean at all.

My dad and other friends say run.

My mom says to work it out and that this is normal. What should I do? Is this not okay?

He is 25 years old. We have been together for almost 1 year.