My October Baby is now a September Baby 😩


I went in to have him checked because he wasn’t moving. 24 hours later, he arrived via emergency c section. My October 28th due date was bumped to September 3rd. 32 weeks, 1 day. 4lbs 9oz. They said the cord was wrapped around his neck when he was born.

I’m a first time mom and still in shock this actually happened to me. I thought we’d be in and out and sent home but they said it was a good thing I came in because he wasn’t happy inside me and his heart rate was not going up and down as it should and was remaining flat.

They mostly were flipping me on my sides and waiting for me to report movement. I also had really high blood sugar they were monitoring that they thought could be a possible factor. They said I would probably go home in the morning once it was under control. I was laughing with my family and suddenly the nurses rushed in because his heart rate dropped to 74. They rushed my family out, stabled him, had another ultrasound, and then said they needed to do an emergency c section.

He’s on 100% oxygen and they transferred him to another hospital. I never got the chance to see him or tell him I’m his mommy and now I’m stuck here for a few days to recover 😭😭😭

Please keep my baby boy in your thoughts. Please. 💕 &Check on your lazy babies. I felt so silly coming in but knew he wasn’t his kicky little self the past 2 days.