SIL has my nephew at 18 days overdue! Update!

So yesterday my sister-in-law (brothers wife) gave birth to my nephew at 18 days over due.

The doctors wanted to induce at 14 days but baby was very healthy and my SIL really wanted to have a completely natural birth, so they let her go over and she was at the hospital every day for checkups.

She eventually went into natural labour late at 17 days overdue, giving birth after lunch at 18 days overdue.

It was a very traumatic labour. He got stuck with his head out and his shoulders ended up tearing her badly!! She got 4th degree tearing which took over 4 hours in surgery to fix up.

She is going to need more surgery down the track to reconstruct EVERYTHING down there.

Since giving birth my SIL has had 3 blood transfusions and 1 iron transfusion. Her blood count is not going up.

My little brother is being an absolute champion looking after my nephew and doing his best to look after his wife. But he feels so lost and helpless. It’s always terrible seeing the ones you love in pain.

Anyway, I just wanted to share. I’m 12 weeks pregnant, none of my family know yet! We will now likely wait until my SIL is recovering and at home before we tell everyone because we just want everything focused on her getting better.

Edit - I forgot to mention that the doctors have already told we she will never be able to deliver future children naturally. She will need to have a scheduled cesarean.

The baby was 9lb 12oz.

I think we all know the risks associated with going so far past her due date. But my SIL really wasn’t thinking straight at all and she couldn’t be talked out of it. 😔