Toured the hospital and hated it


I'm cureently 34 weeks and 3 days pregnant with baby number three. My other two were born at different local hospitals and we chose another hospital for baby number three. Baby number one was born about 15 minutes away from home but the doctor completely missed preeclampsia and put both me and baby at risk. Baby number two was born at a hospital over an hour away from home, but i LOVED it there. The only downside was the commute and because of that some of my immediate family didn't come visit (which was heartbreaking). Now with baby number three a lot has happened in our lives. Our main support system (my MIL) passed away. The rest of our family is flakey and unreliable so we chose a hospital about 40 minutes from home that I felt safe at and my husband could travel back and forth with our two other children. Anyway...long story but we toured the hospital yesterday and instead of relieving my stress it amplified my anxiety about delivering there. I felt like the hospital wasn't well organized and the rooms were older and smaller than I am used to. The clinic is a mixture of a few different medical providers so they can't really tell you if you're going to see someone in your provider list (network) and same with the pediatrician. I am also having a repeat c-section but have never made it full term so when I asked about the procedure they said I would go to triage, then they would send me to labor and delivery room, eventally bring me to the o.r. and then transfer me to their post partum recovery room. It seems like the transferring to 4 rooms and the uneccesary/ unknown amount of time laboring is more than I can deal with. I want to transfer to the hospital I had my second baby but i know I'm going to be recovering by myself and family would be less likely to visit, isolating me even more. I feel like I'm stuck between choosing a hospital I feel safe delivering at but spending three days alone with baby and no family support or deliver somewhere more convenient but with less comfort and the possibility of still not having family visit. At this point I know I need to decide because baby is coming in 4.5 weeks or less.