

My period is a few days late, I’ve been extremely stressed out lately getting ready for my wedding.

My period is late, I’m not eating, I have a cold, and I’m cramping like crazy. And also, I’ve had diarrhea a few times but I’m guessing that’s from all the cramping.

I also took a plan B after I had unprotected sex a few days after my fertile window ended (cuz I took an ovulation test and it was negative, but felt like my cervix was open)

My BBT has been rising and not dropping, I keep sleeping in flannel pajamas cuz I’m constantly cold.

I’ve taken 2 pregnancy tests, one mid day and the other in the morning, both are negative.

Fertility friend says I’m supposed to test tomorrow, while glow says I should be on my period today.

Also, my cervix keeps changing through the day, once really high and soft, the next medium and firm.

I’m so nervous idk what to do, I just want to know could I be pregnant????
