Update on my iud out of place !!


So I went to the er because I could literally feel my strings in my vag ... not even half my middle finger I could feel it . She told me I had a uti and that it was still in my cervix . I’m still having trouble walking about some cramps ... I don’t trust the doctor that told me that . I trust my instincts I don’t think it is normal . She said different times of the month your cervix comes down low but I just don’t feel right ... I have an appointment to change my birth control Tuesday ... am I going crazy ? I can still feel it in the same place I read up if it’s shorter or longer than normal you should be concerned . I just don’t get it how a doctor can misdiagnose me and tell me I’m crazy 😭 idk what to believe I know I don’t feel comfortable having this object in my body anymore that’s for sure .... any body have any comments on it please feel free and comment ...